When S. arrived at the Roberts/Smart Centre he had a backpack full of emotional and behavioural issues. He was typical of most youth coming to RSC. Difficulty interacting with others, intensely angry, with little to no interest in school or in being here.
Mental health issues affect children and youth from all walks of life. Consequences are often quite serious, leading to impaired functioning at home, in school and with friends, health problems, self-harm and substance abuse, conflict with the law, and sometimes, suicidality.
RSC offers a safe place and specialized mental health treatment to help S. and youth like him, heal, learn, grow and live to their full potential. Caring and compassionate professional staff help them to process their experiences, to look at things differently, to gain an understanding of who they are, and learn how to respond to new situations.
“We help youth build on their identity. When they leave, they do so better prepared to rewrite their life story, to continue pursuing important milestones on their journey to wholeness and a healthier lifestyle,” says an RSC Clinician.
S’s story is not uncommon. One of only two mental health providers in Ontario for youth and families living with complex mental health and behavioural issues, RSC is often their last line of defense. But when youth can access the mental health supports that they need, as S. was able to, it can change the course of their lives.