The Centre operates two open live-in programs for youth with mental health concerns. These programs are in urban homes in Ottawa. They exist to provide care in both official languages for those youth whose difficulties require treatment on a 24-hour basis. The program capitalizes on the “in-residence” component of intervention in providing a therapeutic milieu and programs related to lifestyle, education, and recreation.
These programs are licensed by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services, under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017.
Client Profile
The Roberts/Smart Centre specializes in treating youth with severe mental health and behavioural challenges. Priority is given to those youths with the most critical problems and for whom the Centre can provide an appropriate intervention program.
The Centre reserves the right to request an assessment by a psychiatrist or psychologist prior to making a final commitment to admit a young person. The Centre also reserves the right to request an assessment of substance use and addictions concerns prior to making final admission decisions. While substance use/abuse does not always preclude admission, serious addiction issues may require attention prior to admission to our Live-In mental health program.
Length of Stay
The Live-In Treatment services are long-term programs and, though duration of stay will vary, the average length of stay is 9 to 12 months.