
“I had parents that struggled with mental health issues and addiction. Growing up in this environment impacted my mental health, and I learned unhealthy coping skills. I struggled to trust adults in my life.

I was 14 years old when I was placed at the Roberts/Smart Centre. I felt like my life had hit a low. I felt hopeless. With the help of the staff, I was able to find better coping strategies, something that I struggled with. I found that the staff was always kind and patient with me, even when I tested their limits.

I began to see value in myself again and gained hope.

I have since gone to college and became a Registered Practical Nurse, having decided that I wanted to devote my career to mental health to help others the way I have been helped. I am married to an amazing husband, and we have two sons who are the light of our life”.

– C. 

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